Genealogy databases

Please note that, unless stated, our Genealogy databases are available for use on library public computers only. This allows you to make use of our member subscription, giving you greater access to the information available. 

Public computers are available at Nowra Library, Sanctuary Point Library, Ulladulla Library and Milton Library. For more information about our public computers, head to Book a computer.


The world's largest family history database where you can browse census records, start a family tree and more. It provides a wide range of unique resources for genealogical and historical research, with access to over 4,000 databases. For use on library public computers only.

Go to Ancestry


A free genealogical resource with a collection of over 5.7 billion digital images, records, books and user-generated content. The FamilySearch Wiki offers a vast range of knowledge articles to assist when researching your family tree across the globe. Create a personal login to begin searching or contributing content. As an Affiliate Library of FamilySearch, restricted records can be viewed when in the library.

Go to FamilySearch


A family history and genealogy website, which currently offers access to a collection of over 50 million historical records covering Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Islands, the UK, Ireland, United States and Canada. For use on library public computers only.

Go to FindMyPast