Local History Groups

Arthur Boyd's Bundanon

Bundanon is many things. An art museum embedded in the landscape. A wildlife sanctuary set on 1000 hectares. A gift to the Australian people. The vast array of experiences at this South Coast art destination means every visitor’s journey here will be different.

Go to Arthur Boyd's Bundanon

Berry Museum

The Berry Museum is a great place for those interested in local history, with an extensive collection of artefacts, memorabilia, photographs and records donated by the local community.

Go to the Berry Museum

Fleet Air Arm Museum

The RAN Fleet Air Arm Museum is one of the largest regional aviation museums in NSW, containing over 30 aircraft and numerous aviation artefacts to tell the story of Australian Naval Aviation and the development of the Royal Australian Navy's Fleet Air Arm.

Go to the Fleet Air Arm Museum

Guided Fossil Walk at Ulladulla

The Guided Fossil Walk has been operating in the beautiful natural heritage environment of the Ulladulla Harbour with its world class fossils since December 2009. It has proven to be an exciting and enjoyable activity for visitors and local residents from as young as 5yrs to more than 80yrs. The trained Fossil Walk Guides have all received very positive feedback from our many participants who range from complete novices with absolutely no prior knowledge of fossils or geology to experienced geologists, and other scientists.

Go to the Guided Fossil Walk

Jervis Bay Maritime Museum

The Jervis Bay Maritime Museum features a world renowned collection of maritime artefacts and navigational and surveying instruments.  The Museum exhibits a range of nautical equipment, models, photographs, paintings, drawings and objects relating to the history and heritage of the Jervis Bay area.

Go to the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum

Lake Tabourie Museum

The Lake Tabourie Museum’s exhibits include snakes, spiders, aboriginal artefacts, minerals, local marine life and shells with a number of historical furnished rooms on display, along with Australiana rural life, Aboriginal culture and local history.

This history museum is located on the Princes Highway at Tabourie Lake, 11km south of Ulladulla on the South Coast of NSW. The museum and its collection is the result of one man’s dream. Jack Nicholson (1908 – 1996) opened the museum in 1965. In 1983 he gave the museum and the collection to the Shoalhaven City Council.

Go to the Lake Tabourie Museum

Meroogal Heritage House/Museum

Handed down through four generations of women from one local family, Meroogal tells a multitude of stories about the ‘Roogal’ women and the south-coast community in which they lived.

Go to Meroogal

Milton Ulladulla Family History Society Inc.

The Milton Ulladulla Family History Society provides a number of family history research services to the general public. Membership to our society provides discounted costs in many circumstances for research and internet access along with the sharing of like interests with other members.

The aim of Family History Society is to encourage research and friendship in genealogy. To promote the study and foster the knowledge of family history in the local community.

Go to the Milton Ulladulla Family History Society

Milton Ulladulla Historical Society

The Milton-Ulladulla district is a unique part of Australian and New South Wales heritage. First Nations people, the Murramarang of the Yuin Nation thrived in its tall forests and coastal waters and enriched the local landscape with their art and cultural practices. British colonists arrived from 1828, and the district’s towns reflect the early expansion of the timber industry and later dairying, followed by silica mining and then tourism.

Go to the Milton Ulladulla Historical Society

Nowra Museum

The Nowra Museum's collection boasts a number of rare artefacts from Indigenous and European settlement of the Shoalhaven area, a large photographic collection and research centre.

Go to the Nowra Museum

Pioneer Village Museum

The Pioneer Village Museum at Kangaroo Valley is an enjoyable location for family and friends to have a picnic, take a bush walk and wander through the museum.

Go to the Pioneer Village Museum

Shoalhaven Family History Society Inc.

The Shoalhaven Family History Society Inc. was formed in 1985 to promote and encourage the study and preservation of family history, genealogy and allied subjects. It is a dynamic society, able to offer to members the use of an extensive collection of genealogical resource material, local, Australia wide and overseas, as well as a fund of skill and expertise.

Go to the Shoalhaven Family History Society


South Coast History Society Inc.

The intriguing histories of the South Coast of NSW, Australia

Go to South Coast History Society Inc.